Hotel Gallery Graffit, Varna
Used power: 699 kW
- Internal air conditioning units - 124 units
- Outdoor units VRF City Multi - 10 units
- Outdoor units Mr. Slim - 22 units
- Ventilation systems Lossnay - 30 units
Situated in the center of Varna, hotel Gallery Graffit is a combination of urban exterior, classical business services portfolio and unique interior conception. Built on the foundations of the Center for Modern Art in the center of Varna, it fully keeps this place's tradition - to combine in itself different styles and art and culture messages.
For the purpose of the building ClimaCom Ltd. and Mitsubishi Electric have provided 124 internal air conditioning units, 10 outdoor units VRF City Multi, 22 outdoor units Mr. Slim, and 30 ventilation systems Lossnay. The cooling capacity amounts to 699kW.