
Fitness centre in “Dobrudja” Hotel , Albena

Used power: 84 kW

  • Indoor units - 6 units
  • Units from the Mr. Slim series - 3 units
  • Recuperative ventilation units Lossnay - 6 units


Hotel "Dobrudja" is situated in the central part of the resort "Albena", a few minutes from the beach and at the beginning of the crafts street. The hotel is a 18-storey building and has 232 standard and 8 deluxe rooms, 43 standard suites, 2 luxury studios and 1 presidential suite. The gym in the complex is available for the customers.

For the air conditioning in the gym were installed 6 indoor units, 3 units from the Mr. Slim series and 6 recuperative ventilation units Lossnay. The total cooling capacity is 84kW.