

Plasma Quad Plus filter from Mitsubishi Electric

Although they are imperceptible, there are many impurities of different sizes in the environment that can become a health risk. For this reason, now more than ever it is essential to use air conditioning with a good filtering system, as it is the best guarantee of better indoor air quality.

For this reason, to improve the quality of the home air and maintain a clean environment, take care of the whole family, it  is essential to have highly effective filters in the air conditioning equipment capable of neutralizing the main pollutants.

The Plasma Quad Plus filter, with exclusive technology developed by Mitsubishi Electric, is a highly effective filter incorporated in the MSZ-LN Kirigamine Style series.

It is the only filter whose results are endorsed by the Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), which specifies: “The Plasma Quad Plus filter reduces exposure to allergenic particles, viruses and bacteria by up to 97%, which can help to improve allergy symptoms ”.

Specifically, laboratory tests carried out by internationally renowned Institutes show that Plasma Quad Plus:

- Neutralizes 99% of bacteria, viruses and mold

- Eliminates 98% of allergens such as pollen

Captures 99.7% of mites and dust and 99% of suspended particles less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5)

- Eliminate odors

The clean and healthy environment not only improves health, but also promotes the elimination of toxins accumulated in the body, helps improve our rest and promotes a better mood.

Therefore, under the claim  "Take Care of Yourself , Take Care of Them", Mitsubishi Electric wants to show all the benefits of the Plasma Quad Plus filter system, exclusive to the Japanese company, whose revolutionary effectiveness ensures the best indoor air quality.

The Plasma Quad Plus filter system is included in the MSZ-LN Kirigamine Style series from Mitsubishi Electric, becoming the most advanced unit today, capable of combining an extraordinary design with the highest technology and the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness.

