

Mitsubishi Electric Again Named to CDP’s Climate "A List"

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced that the international nonprofit CDP has once again given Mitsubishi Electric its highest "A List" ranking for climate-change activities. The top rating recognize the environmental focus of Mitsubishi Electric's commercial activities and goals as well as the company's timely and appropriate information disclosure. Mitsubishi Electric has been named to the A List five different years in the climate-change category.

Mitsubishi Electric's environmental initiatives reflect the company's Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050 policy, which declares to "protect the air, land, and water with our hearts and technologies to sustain a better future for all." The policy is designed to reduce environmental impact in terms of global value chains, energy-saving products and systems, and infrastructure, ultimately to realize decarbonization and more a sustainable global environment.

Source: MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC News Releases Mitsubishi Electric Again Named to CDP's Climate "A List"