

Climacom with a donation to the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration – Svishtov

Climacom made a donation of air conditioning equipment in the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration in the town of Svishtov. The center provides social services for people with disabilities over 18 years of age.

Due to the increased need for the provided activities at CSRI, the facilities were renovated and expanded. Every day at the center, a professional team of experts works to integrate disabled people and build relative independence in their everyday needs.

Since the beginning of the year more than 60 people have gone through the group activities of CSRI, and in 2018, a total of 119 people with disabilities visited the center, the number of visitors is constantly growing.

In conjunction with the expansion and renovation of the facilities, in June in two of the rooms in the center were installed Mitsubishi Electric’s wall air conditioners, kindly provided by ClimaCom.

The official opening of the renewed center took place on July 19th.

The team of ClimaCom wishes success to the entire professional staff and to all visitors of CSRI - Svishtov.